My Mantis Log


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Feb 14, 2018
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I'm going to try to update everything about the mantids I keep in this log! 


Current mantids:

Hierodula membranacea 3.3.0

Mantis religiosa 0.0.301


April 2nd, 2018

One of two Mantis religiosa ooths hatched this morning! Before the ooth hatched, I noticed the ooth darkening about a week before. Took about 9 hours for all the babies to hatch out, but I'm going to leave the ooth where it is for now and remove it completely when I separate out the babies in a couple days. Babies were hatched out in a 32oz deli cup and moved into a 14x25" net cube. From there, they'll be moved to their own 7oz plastic cups (I bought a 300 pack for $14 on amazon, which look like mansions for them) with a pantyhose top (6 pack for $6 at Walmart), held on with rubber bands (350 pack for $4 on amazon) and I'll be adding some climbing areas for em to hang onto. They're 1/4th inch in size and are all brown. I flooded the net cage with D. melanogaster for when they start to get hungry, so hopefully I won't have too much cannibalism within the group. My cultures were ALL only larvae/pupas (I was hoping they wouldn't hatch for another couple days), so I did have to buy another fruit fly culture to feed off. I'm going to try to keep about 6-10 cultures going, since the four I have now are apparently all on the same cycle. 

I saw this AWESOME idea on youtube, so you'll need: the culture, 6" pantyhose (open on both sides), 2x rubber bands and a small funnel. 1) You'll have to cool the culture, so the flies don't start hopping out all over the counter/table. 2) Take the panty hose (either open side) and attach it to the top of the culture with a rubber band (with the lid off). Make sure to twist the pantyhose closed (just twirl it around a few times), so the flies don't get out. 3) Attach the funnel to the other end and there ya go! I hope you guys can understand my directions, but its super simple to do and to get the flies out, all you have to do is untwist the pantyhose and put the funnel end into your mantis enclosure. If the flies aren't going outta the funnel, just blow them through, I got TONS of flies out into the net cage with only a few puffs of air and 0 escapes. I dunno what it is with fruit flies, I just can never get them to go where I want them to go. I usually get a bunch of escapes whenever I feed (using the cool down and tap into method), but now none ever get out and I don't need to worry about cooling them down!

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Congrats on the hatch!  And interesting tactic for handling fruit flies, thanks for sharing.

April 4th, 2018 (yesterday)

The second ooth has hatched and I started to separate the babies (net cage has a space in between the zippers that is letting out fruit flies), so far I have 132 babies separated out into trios and fed. I originally wanted to wait until L2-3 to separate, but I guess this net cage is going to be only for hatching (and separating soon after) or breeding. I saw one little baby go straight for a fruit fly, but the others don't seem to be interested, I'm hoping that turn around soon. I know its technically only been about three days today, since they hatched. I'm guessing I had about 100 nymphs from the first ooth and 50 from the second, not too bad! They are my first ooths and I was very scared to refrigerate them, but I would do this again with another species! Hopefully I'll have some more European ooths this winter from my little babies. They have a huge die off after the first couple days and then the population stabilizes. Some little babies are still coming outta the ooths though, so I don't know for sure how many I'll have (plus I haven't fully separated them all yet). 

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April 5th, 2018 

I have separated out 301 little European mantids! I did find one that was weird looking (the last one), it’s a little baby that’s “neckless”. I’m a worried about its mutation and if he’ll do okay, but I guess time will tell how he does. All of em are in trios except him, he’s got his own cup and I tried hand feeding him today, but he wasn’t too hungry. He did eat though. 

My Hierodulas are doing great and I got some cool photos during the feeding today. 





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April 11th, 2018

Well outta my 301 babies, I just have 15 left... The little deformed one didn’t make it to day three. I was expecting a huge population drop, but not something like this. I was thinking maybe 20 will make it to adulthood. I’m not sure if it’s on me or just something the native species go through. The last 15 are doing great though and are pretty cool to watch eat. They will run and jump on fruit flies! 

The two subadult Giant Asians are close to a molt! I can see their wing buds puffing up and they’re refusing food. Looks like both the male and female will be molting at the same time, if the female doesn’t molt first. 


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