My orchid mantis hasn't molted for over a month, is this normal?


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Oct 30, 2020
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I have an ochrid mantis. She has molted ones since i have her but she hasn't molted for over a month? Is this normal? It is my first time owning a mantis so i could use some help!

Thanks :)

Could you give some info on how she is kept and what she eats, temps and water? What instar is it?
She is kept in a big enclosure. She eats mostly grasshoppers and crickets but im planning to switch this up soon. She doesn't have additional heating and i spray her enclosure once a day. She has had one successful molt. I think she is about a L6/L7. She is acting normal and healthy to me.

does she have wing buds? The molt to adult takes around 6 weeks
Yeah, if she has small wings, very small and slightly separated from her body (thorax) thats a sign that it will be her final (adult) molt. These take longer....

does she have wing buds? The molt to adult takes around 6 weeks
This is her now. Her last molt was on 26 september.





Yeah that's what I was describing with the wing's. You can tell they are starting to seperate from her body. I'm not sure how long the subadult to adult wait is for orchids, but I know some mantids, like ghosts for instance, can take the better part of 2 months. I wouldn't worry, a mismolt is always possible but just not molting at all, I've never heard of that happening.

Yeah that's what I was describing with the wing's. You can tell they are starting to seperate from her body. I'm not sure how long the subadult to adult wait is for orchids, but I know some mantids, like ghosts for instance, can take the better part of 2 months. I wouldn't worry, a mismolt is always possible but just not molting at all, I've never heard of that happening.
Thanks! I think I’m worring to much but I just don’t want to do anything wrong 😊

Adding some additional heat and switching to flying food will help. Sometimes if given in small quantities honey can also benefit them. 
