My 'Pedes!


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
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I have no idea what species they are, but I always come across them during my early morning walks, and have always enjoy lovingly harassing them on my way by (read: moving them from the side walk to under the bushes so that they don't get stepped on or baked)!
And so, I finally caved in and decided to bring a trio home! Two males (Pythagoras and Galileo) and one female (Hypatia)!



That one's Galileo! And, of course, while I was photographing him, Pythagoras had endeavored to find the length of Hypatia's hypotenuse, if you know what I mean:



These guys wasted no time :| this wasn't even five minutes after I had brought them home!
Millipede mating looks like really loving cuddles, and I cannot handle it. I also love how they tuck themselves in when they want to sleep! What the heck, I never knew these animals were so cute. I mean, I knew they were cute but not this cute, yanno??

Millpedes are indeed adorable, and one of the funnest critters to hold. All those tiny tickly bug feet, very soothing. Just make sure you wash your hands very well afterword.

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They are beautiful! You are going to have lots of little babies soon! It is so sweet how they look like they are making love!

wow those are nice sized ones! will you be selling any pede babies? :eek: heck id like some! lol. Where do you live, to have found such large ones?? i love their red legs. I used to have an african giant but he died... And now they are illegal to ship :,( i can never have one again, not any time soon, i am bummed

Thanks, bros!
These guys are about 8" in length, and are really all over the place during the rainy season here in Thailand. When I go for my walks early in the morning, I have to watch where I'm stepping so that I don't crush any along the way (kinda like earthworms after a rain, right?). During the dry/hot season (which starts in November/December), they all hide in the dirt, under logs and leaf litter--and are much harder to find. The rainy season starts around...may/june--and during that whole half of they year, they're impossible to avoid!
I suggest visiting during rainy season, if you want to scoop some up. There's no lack of 'em.

Unfortunately, I have to wait until next rainy season before I can think of breeding again...My female endured a mysterious death quite some time ago (the crime scene was pretty graphic, and it happened over night...I still have no idea what happened to her. A gecko broke in, maybe..?). So no babies :(

The two males I have left though are very chummy towards one another. Overly affectionate, "eligible bachelors".... I think I will definitely pick up more during the upcoming rainy season...they're so fun to watch.


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