Here the opinion of Julio Rivera. He is an Specialist in Neotropical Mantids Taxonomy.
Hello there: Very interesting specimen. What you have there is either Mantoida or Chaeteessa, the two most "primitive" Mantodea genera. I believe that it is actually Chaeteessa. This genus is the only mantid that lack the apical spur in the fore tibiae, therefore the tarsi inserts apically instead of laterally as in all other mantids. The tibiae are a little bended outwardly so that the distal most internal spine acts as an apical pur...some authors believe this represents a primitive condition based on comparisions to the fossil record where earlier species lacked this apical spur, but I think this is a secondary condition in Chaeteessa (i.e. they lost the apical spur...). Look for the apical spur...if absent then it is a chaeteessa...the very long cerci and the characteristic banded limbs are also a good indication that this is the case.
Anyways...this genus is extremely rare. Very little is known about it and only 5 species are known. The genus seems to be widely distributed in tropical areas of S. America and C. America but it is seldom
has not been "oficially" recorded for central america but I have seen specimens from Nicaragua as well, probably the same species. I have never seen the egg cases. The taxonomy of this genus is very chaotic too,
so it is very unlikely that this species can be linked with any existing name in the literature with confidence.
It would be great if you can add pictures of the egg cases.
Good luck with the mantid. Their behaviour and biology is very different than all other will be a challenge for sure, and if you get adults you would be the first **** sapiens in succesfully breading this
species in captivity.