New Leopard Gecko


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unfortunately Samson didn't make it. Don't know what was the problem. I didn't mess with it too much so it would get use to its home. It just would not eat. I saw it eat a few times, but not a lot. Had everything perfect for it; heat mat on half the enclosure, dry side and humid side. Had plenty of hiding places. I feel bad; like a bad gecko dad. I like these lizards a lot, but I don't think I will ever get another one.

Oh dear! I'm so sorry for your loss... :(

It just happens.

As a pet owner, I know what to expect when purchasing a gecko. My Nemo sometimes go off eating and then eat again so I'd handfed her with a syringe to make sure she doesn't starve.

I tried to hand feed it but it would not eat. Thought about using a syringe but didn't know where to get one. Had a Turkey baster but decided I didn't want to stress it out more.

Really? :eek: I bought my little Nemo from a chain pet store. I didn't know that there would be some different morph of leopard geckos in there! A another pic of Nemo!
I bought my (deceased) first leopard gecko in there and I thought she was an albino but found out that she was just tremper albino leopard gecko. I still miss her!

This is Jackie.


God may bless her soul. :c
Tremper albino IS albino...hence the name. There are about three different albino morphs in leopard geckos and none are compatible with the others (only their own).

unfortunately Samson didn't make it. Don't know what was the problem. I didn't mess with it too much so it would get use to its home. It just would not eat. I saw it eat a few times, but not a lot. Had everything perfect for it; heat mat on half the enclosure, dry side and humid side. Had plenty of hiding places. I feel bad; like a bad gecko dad. I like these lizards a lot, but I don't think I will ever get another one.
I hate to say it, because it gives a bad impression of those who sell at reptiles shows, but it sounds like this seller has/had sick animals. There is no reason why that guy shouldn't have eaten unless it had a heavy parasite load or something similar. Unfortunately, there ARE bad sellers at the shows, so you really just have to be wary of who you are buying from. But please remember that, just like anywhere, there are also very GOOD people that sell at reptile shows, too.

Despite what the person above said, they are NOT difficult animals at all, and they are, in fact, very forgiving of neglect & inadequate care...otherwise, they wouldn't continue to be offered in the pet trade & sold in pet stores (ever seen what animals must suffer through at bad pet stores?) It is my humble opinion that the gecko in question probably had health issues prior to your purchasing it and it really had nothing to do with your care methods.

Also, in the future for those who may have a leopard gecko, who is otherwise healthy, but simply not eating...we have found a trick to get them to eat by offering young hornworms or silkworms. They are like a "treat" for the geckos, and they can't seem to resist the head swaying of a juicy worm. We have had just one or two young geckos, who didn't start off eating very well, but after offering them horns/silkies for a few days, they went on to go ahead & eat meal worms & crickets just fine afterwards. Also, bigger worms for older geckos seem to be like "crack"...and they will trample each other to get to a good worm! (In a funny way...not really hurting each other!)

We have heard of others who feed pinky mice to their leos, which, while it may make them very fat indeed, is not something we feel is healthy for them. So, on the rare occasion that we have an excess of pinkies to be used, we might feed a pinky to a leo, but it is generally reserved only for the breeding females to help keep their weight up while they are laying eggs.

-Carey Kurtz-

where is a good place to get them from? petsmart has majorly unhealthy animals

they were selling a chameleon today and it was skinny and inactive and not very alert
The only good place is that you get them online from good breeders or go to reptile shows.

Just ask questions about how they care for their animals.

I got Nemo from Pet co as the day she arrived in the shipment. They had the shipping box and stocking the babies so I purchased it. and plus they was on sale for 15$ each.

Now Nemo's one year old and about to be two in the two months.

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I got my original leos from, Sean & Monica Niland have been breeding geckos for going on 30 years and they are the most knowledgeable & trustworthy folks I know in the online herp world!

We also sell them ourselves, and have quite a few babies right now. ;)

As for pet stores, there are good pet stores & there are bad. The big thing is to already know your animals before you go in to buy, as most pet store employees know little to nothing about the animals in their temporary care (even if they SOUND like they know, they probably don't!) I would trust a "mom & pop" pet store before I would trust a chain store (like Petco, Petsmart or Southern Agriculture). One thing that has helped me is that my mom would always make me check out books from the library & read, read, read about any animal I was interested in owning. I still do that to this day! (Except now I tend to BUY the books so that I can always have them on hand for future reference.)


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