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ok, amongst other cool reasons for studying entomology at uni, I have just found the perfect live food for mantids... It is a small moth - so perfect for orchid, flower and gongys and it's called the Angoumois grain moth, (Sitotroga cerealella) - it's about 7mm long with a wing length close to a cm and here's the best part- as you can imagine, it feeds on grain! So this moth is so easy to keep on *popping corn*, wheat, barley... and probably (although not tried by me yet) - on cricket chow!
Just thought you lot would like the heads-up... It just seems a very easy and healthy alternative to small crix and rearing curly winged flies...
Just thought you lot would like the heads-up... It just seems a very easy and healthy alternative to small crix and rearing curly winged flies...