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New member
May 2, 2012
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Hello! I'm new!

I recently aquired a 12x12x12 exo terra and was told that it'd be the perfect place for a mantid. I'd never thought about that so I decided to become a member and ask your opinion! I love the look of an Orchid Mantis, but I don't want to get something expensive just to have it die due to lack of knowledge. Are there good starter mantids?

hatching a chinese mantis ooth is pretty easy and a good way to start. it hatches a couple hundred little guys and you can choose how many to keep

I recommend ghost mantids! :)

they're great for beginners & cool looking mantid!

I'd rather not hatch so many because I don't know what I'd do with them. I only have two chameleons and I don't want them all to just DIE. That seems a bit mean. How easy are they to care for?

welcome, not hard to care for, misting twice a day for new hatches, once a day, for 2nd instar and feed daily, lots of good info here. Dont be afraid to get your feet wet!

i recommend any of the following species

creobroter spp

popa spurca

oxyopsis gracilis

hierodula multispina

sphodromantis spp

low mortality, hardy, prolific, interesting species ;)

For the size terrarium you have it'd be nice to have a species you can keep several together, so I second the recommendations on ghosts (Phyllocrania paradoxa) and Oxys (Oxyopsis gracilis). Both can be housed together and are pretty easy to keep.

Creobroter can sometimes be kept together but I had to separate mine; one of them lost an arm and another one lost all but an arm!

Best of luck, keep us posted! :)
