New York City


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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi everyone, I am planning on traveling to New York City for an event in Manhattan in March of this year and I have never been to New York before. I am wondering if anyone here has been to, or lives in NYC, and could help me out with some advice. The place I'm going to is on Chambers Street and being that I have never been to NYC, and that I rarely drive in big cities, I am a bit intimidated by the traffic and navigating in such a big city. I've been to many large cities before, such as Cleveland, Chicago, etc, and didn't have too much of a problem, but I am told NYC is a different story. What I am wondering is, should I get a hotel outside of the city and commute in? What is traffic and parking like there? How should I go about this?

Thank you very much for any advice,


Before any trips me and my family usually pick up a guide to the city we are visiting, you might want to try to look for one in a book store. Otherwise i guess you could print some maps out on google maps sorry i have never been there :( hope that helps though :D

I go to NY about once a month for work, and I used to visit friends up there all the time a fews back. When I do it I take the train to Penn Station and just cab it to my destinations. That way I don't have to worry about my car, parking, traffic, or gas. Also NY has good pt. So, if you have friends up there they should be able to help you with the subway, if need be. Hope that helps.

I just reread your post, if your in Manhattan, you can cab yourself there. Penn Station is in Manhattan. As for where to stay, I'd look up hotels on line.

I drive in NYC all the time and have gotten used to it but I can also see how you would be intimidated by it at first. It certainly was intimidating for me at first, since I'm not from this part of the country.

My suggestion, if you really want to drive, would be to just bite the bullet and do it. However, it can be cheaper to take the train since parking is going to cost you between $20-$40 depending on where you park and for how long. If you do drive, Chambers Street is accessible from the West Side Highway, so you can get off of that somewhere around Chambers Street and then walk to the event. There are parking garages all over Manhattan.


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