newbie here - ghost mantis/humidity/misting question


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Mar 21, 2017
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hello! I plan on keeping a ghost mantis as my first ever mantis and so far I have set up an enclosure, and have recieved a ton of great feedback about improvements and such :)
The temperature of my room (and inside the enclosure, i have a thermometer) is 74-76 most of the time, never dropping below 72 or going over 76.
I recently added a hygrometer (i believe that's what it's measures humidity ^-^) and the humidity reading has been between 57-64% humidity.
(I took the readings over the period of a week, to get a general idea of what my general humidity is, and most of the time its 59-61, with 57 and 64 being the extremes)

I read the caresheet posted in the care sheets forum and the humidity said 40-70% for these mantids, but those are the extremes and I wonder if 60 is too close? .-.

I mainly would like to know if misting is still necessary given this humidity! :)
Is providing a small misting on the glass of the enclosure for the mantis to drink from (as I've read that *any* water is a no-no) a good or bad idea?

thank you for your time :)

You should be fine, ghosts are really hardy they can go above 70 if really necesarry. 50-60 you are more then fine :)  if you see the mantids trying to lick things for moisture give them a small mist, other then that i think you are golden :)

Even if humidity is reading at 57-64%, giving them a light mist every few days is still appreciated, because they like to drink off the sides of the cage.

Thank yall so much for these replies ^-^
Super helpful!! :)

I'll mist the glass occasionally so they'll be able to drink if they wish then ^-^


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