Not tracking food


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Sep 28, 2016
Reaction score
My mantis doesn't track food.   It looks but can't track it.  I know this is ridiculous but could it be blind.  I literally have to hold food in front of its mouth.  It's obliviously otherwise.  

He caught one fly when I first got him my daughter saw it and said the fly pretty much walked into its mouth.  Now it looks around but just doesn't even track the flies.  If I put him on the edge of his enclosure he waves his arms out.  Not in the I'm tough way but as if he looking to see if there is something to grab on to.   Then if I put my hand out and touch him he walks onto my hand. If I don't touch him he doesn't walk into my hand.  Also this morning a fly walked right up to him he didn't move his head to track it and when the fly touched his front leg he jumped and shook his leg as if he didn't see the bug coming.  

I took two days off work so I'm probably just being paranoid since I just stare at him all day lol. I just know there hunters and he doesn't seem interested.  He's not hanging as if he's going to molt either.  He is by himself and I'll hand feed him his entire life if I need to.  If he is blind I just want to make sure happy and healthy.  Also one of my employees came over this morning.  She had a few mantis growing up and she said something seems off.  He seems to find water easily though.  

Well, u can take him with u to work, but put a squished bug on a toothpick and hold under his mouth, he should then eat it. Let me know how he does. Now

go to sleep and let him rest.

I got a tiny meal worm and used tweezers. He ate it immediately.  not sure if I'll take him to work lol.  Seatbelts are not mantis friendly.  
