Now it´s my turn


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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
Reaction score
Time to formally itroduce myself :)

I am a 26 year old girl living in Iceland since I was a 6 moths old.

I am actually from New Zealand so I am very interested in getting the New Zealand Mantis someday :p

My job is making pizzas and that is pretty good.

I will have a Chinese Praying Mantis from the first successful hatch that I know has happened here. I will get them hopefully tonight or tomorrow, the breeder lives in another town and we have been unable to meet him for more than 2 or 3 weeks, he is never home when we go there but I should get them tonight or tomorrow. They will have had their 3rd or 4th molt when I get them. Will get 4 but maby my friend will have 1 or 2.

I am interested in all insects but I like Mantises and Stick insects most. I also like to photograp insects and just look at them.

I am lucky that my other half also likes most insects so this is a hobby we can do together. :)

So that´s me :) will post pictures when my mantises arrive.

Welcome. Glad to see after 23 posts you decided to come into here.

Hello Rebecca from Iceland! :) I hope you get your Chinese nymphs soon. I know many consider them boring because they are not "exotic," and are commonly found in many places now in the world... but I still like them! ;) Welcome aboard! :D

Thanks everybody :) , yes I was going to wait to introduce myself until I got my mantises but then it took so long that I just started chatting forgetting about this. And haha Normal Mantises ARE exotic here :lol: only because they are the only species here yet. and you have to start somewhere :) so I am very excited about them. And tonight I got them! :D yay! They look just great, will tell you more about them on the forum. ;)

Haha yeah ^_^

Someday we will rule the world :lol: .....or at least the mantis world haha

Hello from Australia, New Zealand's bigger bro :)

Glad you like the New Zealand Mantid (O. novozealandia). I found one the other day actually. Very cool species.

I gave it to Superfreak a.k.a. Olga (maya luborf) cos she likes them. I'll get her to put a couple of pics up for you :)

It's not uncommon for me to wander in my backyard and stumble upon a mantid. I'm guessing that it is a bit rarer in Iceland :p

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I gave it to Superfreak a.k.a. Olga (maya luborf) cos she likes them. I'll get her to put a couple of pics up for you :) It's not uncommon for me to wander in my backyard and stumble upon a mantid. I'm guessing that it is a bit rarer in Iceland :p
James... yes, I'd like to see pics of those big Aussie mantids you stumble over!! :eek: :lol:
