Of all the species, what is your favorite?


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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Madison, WI USA
I'm just curious. There is a lot of variety, and some of you house many different kinds. I have two right now, each with different personalities. Which bug have you enjoyed most?

I prefer the simpler mantis not a big fan of idolos but just got two l2s of them and my likes are the orthodera species or the gambians,rhomboderas,and few others but what I really want and plan to get is some parymenopus davisoni which remind me of the orchids but are yellow and also like the thistles and white orchids!

i like ghosts, but they can get boring, creo p.'s are fun to watch but not too pretty until adult. Violins i like the most (out of all that i have owned). Oh and MIOMANTIS PAYKULLI

Tie between Deroplatys desiccata and Rhombodera stalii. They are very similar species: heavy build, hardy, large, great appetite, very aggressive, and aren't particularly active.

D. desiccata are larger and have a very cool threat display, but R. stalii have a slight aggression/fearlessness advantage.

I think I heart my S. Viridis the best.

They have the cutest lime-green faces, they are fun, very smart, and like to be pampered

and hand fed.

Also, I had almost forgotten how cool plain chinese are until I got a gravid one (she just laid

what I think will be her last ooth because it came out flat as a pancake, and she is now sooooo

tired she doesnt even have the energy to climb to her favorite spot on the ceiling anymore.

She was mated, but I dont think this ooth has a chance of ever hatching.

I think it's a "misscarage" ooth!!

She needs extra water, and drinks deeply twice a day. She was dehydrated after laying.

I dont think she is going to live much longer and expect to find her dead any day.

She is just plain worn out and tired of laying ootheca's!!! :(

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I'm all about the M. Religiosa, awesome hunters, good sized, don't seem stressed with handling, and they have a pretty calm demeanor.

I enjoy hearing the reasons. I originally just bought the b mendica, which I think is really cool looking. I ended up also getting a popa. So far I've actually had more fun with the Popa because it's so docile. The b mendica is more aggressive and fun to watch, but I enjoy holding them.

There are so many different species, and I've only raised 15 different ones so far. Though I can find something I like about most of the species I've raised, I love Idolomantis diabolica and orchids as nymphs because they are beautiful. However, my Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii have become my current favorite, though they are still nymphs, and I don't know how I'll feel when they are adults. Right now they are cute and fun to watch and seem to be hardy little buggers.

Out of character, I'm going to say Orchids (female in particular). They are top 2 in most categories.

Big WOW factor - from L1-Adult

Exotic Look - people never believe they're real at first.

Good Temper

Good eatters

Easy to house (well, sort of).

Good resale (if necessary).

If I only had one shot at raising a single nymph, I'd go Orchid.

So many choices! The reason I ask is I was contemplating getting another, but I'd like to do it while we're having a warm week in Wisconsin (probably the last). Heh. Do you find yourselves getting addicted? ^_^

Addicted, recovered, addicted, recovered... rinse, repeat.

Trick is to watch for someone like me that's is trying to "recover" and pick up their overflowing stock cheap!

What have you done so far...?

I look at it as if you like potato chips you'll probably won't eat just one? But be warned if you get too many they can sometimes lose there shine somewhat.
