Ok, so we're all into insects, is there any aquarium people here?


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I like cichlids the most and I hope to set up some larger aquariums soon.

Oscars are my favorite, even if they redecorate the tanks. I like how they used to greet me when I came home from work, and I have had a couple who would rub against my hand when I stuck it in the water. :wub:

At the moment, we have a couple of angelfish, and my husband keeps a couple of those round shaped goldfish that seem to have a hard time just swimming on account of their shape.

I just lost my female betta. :( She had a personality that rivaled as an oscar's and would jump out of her tank to grab food from my fingers, or just to bite me. She was the best, and I miss her.

I think I miss my pair of Arowana's most. They were intense. I also loved the Convict cichlids, small but full of tenacity. They would gang up on my Jack Dempsey's all the time.

I've done some freshwater stuff. I've thought off and on for years about getting a saltwater setup. The maintenance is what kills me with aquariums. I am an avid fossil collector though. Collector as in hunter and finding my own.

I agree, I feel mantids are at least as demanding as a well set-up tank, be it either salt or fresh.

I've been building and painting military miniatures since I was 12, on and off. If I neglect them for a while, they don't die or try to escape but just wait to welcome me back. And for anyone who may confuse miniatures with (meep) toy soldiers, take a look at this:

I used to paint miniatures too, Phil... it was my absolute addiction for about a year. I still have all the stuff tucked away in the closet and I assume I'll do it again some day (and probably have to buy new paint), and I have a little shadow box with some of my best ones. There are some absolutely mind-blowing artists who can do so much realism that when you see the scale they're working with it's almost hard to wrap your mind around.

Re: cichlids... Neolamprologus brichardi were my favorite because of their pretty fins and delicate coloration, but the Malawi (mostly) mouth brooders are SO cool. The little fry swarm around but if you spook mom she opens her mouth and zip! they're all back in there (fast as a mantis strike, ha!). They have some of the prettiest colors in freshwater fish, too.

I love fish tanks, im on MFK. Also i have peacockbass, planted tanks and some odballs, although I lost 90% of my stock during sandy.

I love aquariums as well, my family has two aquiariums right now; one is community, and one is just basic goldfish. We're thinking about changing from Community to saltwater or chichlids when the remaining fish die off over the next few years, though!

My 2 remaining angelfish died and now I have some african cichlids and a rubber plecostomus in the aquarium. The angelfish were about 6 years old. :( I miss them because they were always active with their spawning and "arguements".

Just got started into the fish hobby. A friend is giving me some of her black skirt tetras to put in with my red eye tetras :)

I always wanted saltwater fish. What i really would want is nudibranches and octopi or a blue spotted stingray, but thats not happening :lol:
