Ok, yeah, I know I'm weird...


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I love what U did for HER....and the end of vid is wicked funny when she stops cleaning ... her bionic leg kinda snaps back and she just stares at U......Great JOB! :p

I thought that AT BEST, she'd be able to walk around a little, but she not only scrambles around, she likes to jump from the top of my monitor onto the different shelves, doesn't miss a beat! ;)

as this topics come up again , how is splinters ooth layin technique as people were saying how hard it would be for her ? also am wondering what species she is ?


She hasn't slurted any of that fun stuff from her tush yet, I'll try to capture the magical moment on video when she does... ;)

She's a chinese mantis.

She laid her first Ooth, and did ok! The weird thing is that she keeps "guard" ove rit. every time i put her back in the tank, she heads straight for it, and just sits there. Never had any of my mantids do that before.

Got a pic of the ooth? Glad to hear she is making it.

already saw this thread started over at Bug Nation, but i have to say again:


p.s. the video of the mantis cleaning its bionic legs is research worthy. seriously. it raises questions about the anatomical mapping of a mantis's brain.
