Starting a new thread in case this branches out as a hobby too, but for now I just have one new temporary houseguest to share:
Cecropia moth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
I have no mates for this individual, as it was a free gift alongside some mantid ooths, but perhaps in the future. In any case it will make a phenomenal specimen.
Cecropia moth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
And it's HUGE
Cecropia moth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Cecropia moth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
Cecropia moth by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr
With any luck, the 3 other species I have since acquired cocoons for (Luna, Polyphemus, and Promethea) might just hatch out males and females, and perhaps if caterpillars result I hope I can find food, but if not it will be an interesting opportunity to see some other phenomenal species.

I have no mates for this individual, as it was a free gift alongside some mantid ooths, but perhaps in the future. In any case it will make a phenomenal specimen.

And it's HUGE

With any luck, the 3 other species I have since acquired cocoons for (Luna, Polyphemus, and Promethea) might just hatch out males and females, and perhaps if caterpillars result I hope I can find food, but if not it will be an interesting opportunity to see some other phenomenal species.