One antennae


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It would effect it especially if it were male trying to mate. Olfactory cues pick up on pheromones. It might effect its hunting a bit but not too much and probably not noticably. Now, as far as it growing back with subsequent molts, I think it may, but I'm not sure.

I had one that lost an antenna at about L2 or L3 and by L7 it had grown a little nub but not a full antenna. I let it go before it got to adult so I'm not sure if it finally grew back completely (probably not). It had no problem catching food and such. Redundancy is probably why they have two in the first place.

I was surprised that it never grew back because it's such a delicate part that I think they would get damaged in the wild all the time. That same mantis had lost large parts of 3 legs and they all grew back eventually (took about 3 molts though). It also lost an eye that eventually became functional again (or at least it appeared functional, it could see just fine for hunting).

One of my H. Majusculas grew back 2/3 of each antenna. They were stuck in a molt and after helping it free the antenna they fell off where the old exoskeleton was stuck to them. Not sure if all mantids grow back antenna, but my Majuculas sure did. Only time will tell.
