oothica found


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Apr 21, 2009
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i bought a female Egyptian Mantis from the pet shop about 3 weeks ago an when we woke up this morning we found it had laid an oothica i have a few questions i hope you can help me answer

1 how many baby mantis are we looking at

2 how is best to care for the oothica and babies

3 shall i seperate it from the mothers tank

4 how long till babies pop out and my hands are full !!!!!!!

Thank you for your help :lol: luke

1. 40-60 babies, but not all of those will survive.

2. First remove it from the mothers enclosure, when they hatch she would most likely eat them. keep them around 85 degrees F. they need around 70% humidity so misting the oothica once a day should do. The babies will be very small so they will need small friutflies, and a lot of them. They will need to be separated or they will eat each other but that’s one way to reduce the numbers a bit if you don't want 60 babies running around.

3. see 2

4. 5 weeks or so.

http://www.insectstore.com/miomantis-sp-eg...s-caresheet.php <-- caresheet which saids everything I just did.

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Do be aware, though, Luke, that though most females caught in the wild have already mated, there's a good chance that one bought in a pet store has not. Did the person in the pet store know anything about it? If not, and it's infertile, it won't hatch and that won't be because you did anything wrong! ;)

Also, if they do hatch out, the only threat of getting eating is from sibling cannabilism as the mother will be long dead. It's the harsh truth. Might wanna check if they are prone to attacking each other early on.

Also, if they do hatch out, the only threat of getting eating is from sibling cannabilism as the mother will be long dead. It's the harsh truth. Might wanna check if they are prone to attacking each other early on.
She should'nt be dead. Why do you think that? Those hatch pretty fast. I have had tons of mantids that hatched while the mother is still alive.

1. 40+

2. use the search feature

3. seperate it even though she won't hurt them but because the care is different.

4. If I recall correctly those hatch in about 30 days but lets say 4-6 wks.

She should'nt be dead. Why do you think that? Those hatch pretty fast. I have had tons of mantids that hatched while the mother is still alive. 1. 40+

2. use the search feature

3. seperate it even though she won't hurt them but because the care is different.

4. If I recall correctly those hatch in about 30 days but lets say 4-6 wks.
Egyptians hatch in 30days! :eek: Wow. I've been put in my place. This mantid means business. I thought the ooth had to go through a diapause before it hatched. Very fast indeed.

Well, I was in Egypt in winter and it was 80 at night and in the 90's during the day. So, I would think there is no diapause. Sorry if I sound like a smart a$$.

Egyptians hatch in 30days! :eek: Wow. I've been put in my place. This mantid means business. I thought the ooth had to go through a diapause before it hatched. Very fast indeed.
No diapause needed. Most mantids don't need one actually. I may be wrong as it has been a long time since I kept these but I recall them hatching quickly.

Thank you very much for all your responses its been very helpful i will contact the pet store and ask if she had any contact with males

i hope they do hatch would love to see a tiny mantis i will keep you informd and let you know the out come

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when i kept them, i had ooths that hatched as fast as 2 weeks. this species goes through the entire life cycle really fast. from the time the ooth was laid to adulthood was a little over two months.
