Orchid Mantid Ooth


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Aug 28, 2011
Reaction score
Portsmouth, Hampshire. UK
Hi all,

Just got my first ever ooth, laid 3 weeks ago. Anyone got any tips or advice for me?

How can I tell the right way up? How far from the ground should I hang it? Does it need hanging or can I just glue it to the enclosure wall or a twig/leaf?

Please help

If you know that the ooth is three weeks old, I assume that you know the selles and that it was spawned by one of his/her females. That is the person to talk to. i think that you already have ffs, so that's a good start. Orientation of the otth is not important so long as you don't glue the "zipper", where the nymphs emerge, to the wall! Put it a few inches above the substrate, because nymphs ( and I haven't raised this species) sometimes have long "exuvia" or parachute cords from which they hang before dropping onto the substrate. Good luck! Show us pix!

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I think I can see the zip part...... but its the only flat part of the ooth and a different colour. Is that right?

I shall try to upload some pics tommorow.

I had already looked at that thread thanks Lunarstorm, but wouldn't say my ooth looks anything like the one in his photos.

Also I keep reading you can thread a needle through the ooth to suspend it, is that safe?

Thanks all

The ooth looks as if it was laid against a flat surface.

I have seen oothecae that didn't have an obvious zipper, to me at least. :rolleyes:

Could you ask the breeder if the ooth was indeed laid against something flat?

If it is so, then you could use a low temperature glue gun to glue it(flat side glued to a flat surface) to part of the hatching container.

I have had flat sided oothecae hatch out fine, just laying flat side down on the bottom of a container, but I wouldn't recommend doing it on purpose. :mellow: Orienting the ooth so it is hanging from the top of the container would be better.

Cant get hold of the guy I bought it off gone on holiday. It only confused me because the only zipper looking part with slight gaps up along it is the flat side. But as you say it looks like it was laid on a flat surface so that couldn't be the zipper could it?

Cant get hold of the guy I bought it off gone on holiday. It only confused me because the only zipper looking part with slight gaps up along it is the flat side. But as you say it looks like it was laid on a flat surface so that couldn't be the zipper could it?
I don't really have the experience to be sure, but I hope someone who has had that species can chime in soon. I have seen pics of some very strange and different looking oothecae from different species. :blink: This is why I can't be sure.

It really looks "laid against a flat surface" to me. But, I am no expert.

I really hate to tell you this Joey. But that is no orchid ooth. That is a Odontomantis sp. ooth. I really hope you did not pay an arm, and a leg for it? :(

Looks like a sybilla pretiosa ooth.

But this is what my recent laid orchid ooth looks like down below.





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Im not surprised as I didn't think it looked like an orchid ooth either. Thanks people! Didn't pay an arm or leg for it. Got it for £20.

What do you guys recommend about hanging it? Should I stick it flat side to the enclosure or stick it to a twig etc.........

Thanks again

Im not surprised as I didn't think it looked like an orchid ooth either. Thanks people! Didn't pay an arm or leg for it. Got it for £20.

What do you guys recommend about hanging it? Should I stick it flat side to the enclosure or stick it to a twig etc.........

Thanks again

Ive tried searching a Odontomantis sp. ooth but cant find a specific type of mantid? Found Boxer, Gurder, Ant.......... Is Odontomantis sp. a sub type or something?

And yes It looks very much like a sybilla pretiosa ooth.

I have just set up my nursey, put a fake orchid in there anyway as it looks pretty.





Ive stuck the ooth to the lid with sticky tape, flat side down as thats the only place it looks like a zipper.. Hope thats right.

Is there anything else I should do or have done wrong?

use glue not sticky tape as the nymphs would get stuck on the tape and prob die and use like low temp glue from a glue gun or super glue but not sticky tape!

Make sure your ooth is oriented properly; I think your flat side is the wall-attachment side. I see your ooth like this, others may correct me:


Zipper should face open space.
