Orchid Sex?


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do you count the bottom segment?
It depends, Becky. You can either count it or not... 5, if you don't, and 6 if you do. But that very last small "tip" part/s coming out after the last real/full segment, is what you shouldn't count as a "segment." It's sometimes hard to tell if they are going to actually be real (and countable) segments, or the smaller ones that get incorporated into the last large segment for females.

It depends, Becky. You can either count it or not... 5, if you don't, and 6 if you do. But that very last small "tip" part/s coming out after the last real/full segment, is what you shouldn't count as a "segment." It's sometimes hard to tell if they are going to actually be real (and countable) segments, or the smaller ones that get incorporated into the last large segment for females.
yeah thats probably what im getting confused with. sorry :)

Did anyone follow-up with the sexing of these orchids? I'm thinking the first one is female and the second one male in the 7/8 pictures. And the 7/9 pictures are female.
