Oxyothespis dumonti adult female (North African Grass Mantis)


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Caught her laying an ooth today! Different than other species. They really arch the abdomen. Just caught the end of the process in the stanky images below (taken through deli cup). Then I noticed a second ooth in there! I've only had her for 5 days and she's already laid 2 ooths. :blink: We'll have to wait and see if they are fertile.



I'll try to rig up an enclosure that will allow me to get better pics and maybe video. It was cool to see.
Do you have a light box?

I have a 24'' one and you can cover the sides with craft paper of whatever color you want.

Mine came with 4 backdrop colors with velcro edges to attach to the back of the box.

It was faily cheap too.

R U "breaking in" your new MP-E ? :)

Do you have a light box?

I have a 24'' one and you can cover the sides with craft paper of whatever color you want.

Mine came with 4 backdrop colors with velcro edges to attach to the back of the box.

It was faily cheap too.

R U "breaking in" your new MP-E ? :)
No light box. It's not like I could keep her in there for any length of time anyway. And I couldn't move her once she starts laying without inturupting the process. I'll figure something out.

Been using the MP-E every day. Still using the 100mm every day too. ;)

Oh, I see what you mean!!! you cant move her. Is she in a 12'' net cube?
No, she's way too small to justify that. I have her in a 32 oz. deli cup. If she were laying them on the lid I could easily get her out without disturbing her but she goes down into the sticks I have in the cup. I'll design a new enclosure that will work better for getting video.

Great images. Looks like you're getting great results with your new lens.
Yeah, it was worth the money. I'm glad you talked me into the 100mm first to get my bearings though. I now have no doubt that the quality of the MP-E is far superior for anything past 1:1.

Oxy ooths! Great news

Hey meagan what's funny is I believe you gave me 4 females and one male,

All going strong still

When they finish it looks, like theres a trade in order

haha It never fails... This is how bad I am at sexing. I thought I had all males left after bobericc took 5 of them. Today I have a female adult. facepalm.

So hatched on Christmas and adult on February 7th- that was quick.

haha It never fails... This is how bad I am at sexing. I thought I had all males left after bobericc took 5 of them. Today I have a female adult. facepalm.

So hatched on Christmas and adult on February 7th- that was quick.

Wow, that is fast.

I like these guys a lot I have some L2s running around. They seem to prefer new born grey isopods over d Mel.


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