Oxyothespis dumonti- North African Grass Mantis


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All L3 now, and hard to sex! With your lens you could pretty much sex them at L1. My eyes are bad. I ordered a jeweler's loupe finally.

They're pretty easy once they get past the ultra tiny jumpy stage. Gonna take some pics today and see if I can get a closer look.

I have an L2 finally. And out of 18 or 19 I only have 5 left. Not sure what happened to them. Didn't witness any cannibalism but I didn't find any bodies when I cleaned the cup, which doesn't mean much considering they are so small. Didn't find the molted skin either so... :mellow:

I'm ordering a better lens so I'll have much clearer pics of them pretty soon.

Oh sorry to learn that....They need to have fruitflies all time.I never give them water.Mine are L4 I believe.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I had one that I lost like that. I looked and didn't see a body, but I figured I probably just didn't see it since they're so small. Then I had another that was just kind of a runt that didn't seem to be eating and another that got cannibalized. Ended up with 8 of 11.

Clearer pics than what you've got?? Impossible I say..

I've seen mine drink plenty of water, but my apartment is super dry, so I've been misting a bit.

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Oh sorry to learn that....They need to have fruitflies all time.I never give them water.Mine are L4 I believe.
Maybe I have them way too humid. I have a very wet substrate because I added springtails. I wonder if that killed them off.

Clearer pics than what you've got?? Impossible I say..
Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet! The lens I ordered today (Canon MP-E 65mm) is the best of the best for macro. Should be crystal clear all the way down to 5x, which is equivalent to my current lens using extension tubes and two add-on magnifying lenses. That's why these look less than pro to me. May have it as soon as tomorrow. Then there are no excuses! :D

I should point out that nearly all the money that comes in from mantis sales goes toward better camera gear so everybody wins!

I don't know. This isn't a thread about Acanthops. ;)

Agreed. They slip and scramble on smooth plastic. They blend in with the excelsior well too.

A couple of mine have molted to L3 now.
Sorry. When you they were tiny and cant grip well it reminded me of my post. it was about my Acanthops. What I meant was do Oxyothespis dumonti need springtails as a starter food/?

Ahh, yes. They definitely need tiny food. I started with springtails, which I found to be kind of a pain just because a) this species likes it a bit dry, so flooding the floor with water and springtails seems like not the best thing to do and b ) they're so small at first instar that I worried about killing one with a drop of water. But they were appropriately sized. I quickly moved on to Turkish Gliders or DMels.

I had one move on to 4th instar today.

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I sure hope you continue doing well with these because I'm down to only 2 or 3. I should have been giving them more attention. Too much going on here. :blink:

So long as I get a couple adults I'll be happy. If not we'll have to do a swap. Need photos of adults.

Ahh, yes. They definitely need tiny food. I started with springtails, which I found to be kind of a pain just because a) this species likes it a bit dry, so flooding the floor with water and springtails seems like not the best thing to do and b ) they're so small at first instar that I worried about killing one with a drop of water. But they were appropriately sized. I quickly moved on to Turkish Gliders or DMels.

I had one move on to 4th instar today.
One of mines too

Getting a little larger now

More defined around the eyes

So long as I get a couple adults I'll be happy. If not we'll have to do a swap. Need photos of adults.
Indeed. I sent 5 to bobericc before I could successfully sex them (say that 10 times..) and it looks like I kept all dudes, so yeah.. I PM-ed Yen, but his are only at L1 now, so they're about a month younger than mine.

Here's my biggest (sub-adult I think).




wow they grow quick! how many moults?

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Yeah, really quick! They hatched on Christmas. That I've seen... I would have said this was 5th instar. I've been counting, but you know how tiny they are as babies.. And those are clearly wing buds. Pretty sure this is a male?
