Hello, long time no update. The pupae id eclose from the second mantis infected with parasites, however the ones from the first mantis did not. However, when the flies did hatch, I only had one mantis left, and she was on her way out. So I took pictures of them,to be uploaded soon. The flies are now dead, lasting about 3-4 days, however they didn't have food (I've read somewhere that adults feed on nectar). What's really ironic, is that two days after the flies died, I found a female mantis, and the next day, another one. The first mantis however, was also infected and the maggots burst out of her anus, rather than the side of her abdomen as in the previous cases. The second mantis I caught is still alive and fat. Though I've had her for about a week now and never fed her. She was fat when I caught her, and still fat now, so I'm waiting to see if she slims out or lays an ooth or if she is infected. Earlier this week another mantis was caught, and it too was infected with parasites. So in total, I've personally had four cases of wild mantids having parasites, and have seen two wild mantids exhibiting the same symptoms as my infected ones. Will keep you updated. Oh, and the flies that hatched were a little smaller than house flies, with red markings. But I'll post pics anyway.