part 2: outdoor mantid with larvae in abdomen-will her eggs be ok?


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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Phoenix, AZ
I started a new post because I wasn't sure if anyone would look at the old post. So now it happened twice; I found another outdoor mantid with larvae in her abdomen! This is a nightmare! In the last post I was given a link to a picture of other mantids that looked the same. I was told that it is some kind of parastoid fly, and there is no way to prevent it, even if I move the remaining mantids to a different location. This is a nightmare.

So, I was wondering if anyone knows the incubation time; how long does it take after infection before the mantid is sick and has the grown larvae in her abdomen? (Once she is sick, I know it is only a matter of days before she is dead).

This poor mantid laid a beautiful ooth before she got sick. It looks perfect except it is upside down. Could the eggs be ok?

Could the parastoid be in some dormant stage in the eggs?

I read that the parastoid probably burrows into the mantid somehow. Is this true? Or is she infected from eating the adult fly?

If this wasn't so devastating it would be interesting. But, I want to know because I need to know if I should dispose of the eggs?

Is it safe to take some of the remaining outdoor mantids inside?

Can my cats be infected?

Thank you everyone for always helping me!

It is of no danger to you or your pets. It really isn't that uncommon to find mantids carrying parasites or parasitoids. The ooth should be fine.
