Peacock Mandit Not Eating


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He didn't really entertain the spider. He poked at it once or twice but he'd no interest in eating so the spider got released. I might hand feed him another "cut up" cricket tomorrow... thoughts?

OK I caught a nice big juicy bluebottle........

Put the bluebottle in the tank............



Hands down flies are your best bet for Mantids....All of mine preffer flies rarely strike on crickets because they stay on the floor and Mantids spend most of there time on the top of containers, aquaraims exc...So happy he or she ate good luck with that awsome species of Mantid and hi [hibiscusmile] :D !!!

yeah all mine do like flies as long as they are not the nasty parasitic ones and they really get into the crickets as thats mostly what I can get cheap at the local pet store and they go through them like it was thanksgiving!

Hmm he's not eating spiders either. No cricks left. He ate a crick on Thursday need to feed him again. I might get some flies. He seemed to love the flies...

Anywhere UK based to order small quantites of flies? don't want 100 for one mantid :)

100 pupa will last a while, I'm pretty sure you can just put them in the fridge. You could try an occasional wax moth/worm? Just use them as a treat, they have a very high fat content but are very nutritious.

Just give him one earlier - he munched it goooood.

His body peacock "spots" are starting to come through. He's a grreat breed IMHO! :D

What's the advice on feeding him wax worms? one every other day?

also I put them in his tank and the wax worm keept burying itself under the substrate - so I took my mantid out and put the wax worm and him on the table and he stalked right up and BAM! got him - however I'm sure if this is the best way to feed him................ Suggestions?

You can feed him w/e you think is right after all he is your mantis. Just know that wax worms/moths have a very high fat content over 50% of them is fat. If you can get roaches and flies, try those too. But like i said, feed w/e you think is ample and what you think is correct, after he isn't my mantid. Just read this I guess this'll only apply if you mate it. IDK to tell you the truth, someone with far more experience should give their 2 cents.


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