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I will have to do a little.....housework on my account first to make it suitable for all to see :D Cheers,

Uhm.. i'm a bit worried lol What pictures do you have on there Ian..?

umm it dont have many bugs but theres alot fo plants

theres also a ton of other stuff

Nice, whats with those renaissance people ? lol
haha they are a people who dress up in cosumes and hit each other with sticks

they asked me to photograph them so i did

and whover was talkin bout ians drawings i almost forgot i have 2 more galleries

this is my personal repository for posting on the web but im gonna turn it into a gallery

you guys can make accounts and host your pics there if you want i got tons of room. im gonna change the domain though


Looking at your pics samzo I see you have cs-source. I'll have to have a game against you.

Talk to you on msn about it,

Cheers, Cameron.

that looks like an Eremipahila sp. mantis (i dont know the exact species). fascinating mantis. ground dweller, very high temeperatures, lays ootheca in the sand, vicious and frantic and dangerous mating (ive heard, i kept them but never got round to mating them).
