Phyllocrania consolidated


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I have lost 2 at early instar to mismolt and its my impression that ventilation is pretty important for this species. I moved them from plastic housing to a caterpillar castle net cube with silk flowers sewn into it and have not had a problem since. It's a challenge keeping humidity up in the cube so I put a plastic tray with pebbles below the cube, and I keep a water level in there. Since my Idolos are on the shelf below the heat rises, evaporates the water, and keeps the humidity up. I still mist a few times a day, as well.

What is the recommended humidity level for them?

I have been keeping Ghost mantids for over 5 years now. except for fruit flies I have fed them (in the past) only crickets and have had great hatch rates. I do use alot of flies these days. I have a ton of green females this last batch, only the females will turn green. The main cannibalism factor when in groups while well fed, is molting and being close together. In a gallon container I would say about 15 is a nice size group being well fed with little to no cannibalism. I spray once to twice a week. With good humidity spraying is not crucial. They seem to be quite easy to breed, as the males within a week I have seen will get right to work with the females. Males can live well with the females as long as a decent food supply is present. This is one of my favorite species. Always a hit.

Im pampering mine. 3 females in a 12x12x18 exo terra tank. The males are in a smallish container, just 3 gallons or so, but there are 4 in there. The females are getting SOOOO FAAAT! Im "shake and baking" my feeder flies with the "yens blend" from mantisplace. If their abdomens get any bigger, theyll POP

Im pampering mine. 3 females in a 12x12x18 exo terra tank. The males are in a smallish container, just 3 gallons or so, but there are 4 in there. The females are getting SOOOO FAAAT! Im "shake and baking" my feeder flies with the "yens blend" from mantisplace. If their abdomens get any bigger, theyll POP
That's a pretty big tank for ghosts!

Next time I get ghosts, I'm going to get 3, put them all in separate cages, and treat each as in the table below:

ghost #1- lower temperature- higher humidity- only green surroundings- misted constantly

ghost #2- average temperature- average humidity- red and yellow surroundings- misted averagely

ghost #3- high temperature- low humidity- brown & black surroundings- misted occasionally

In my opinion, I think I'm going to end up with

#1- green or jade

#2- burnt umber or light brown

#3- dark brown or black

Yup. One variable at a time. And you need more than one per condition. You need a MINIMUM N of three for each variable you test, all from the same stock, selected at L1 so you can't bias the experiment by subconsciously choosing nymphs you feel will give you the results you want to see

Yup. One variable at a time. And you need more than one per condition. You need a MINIMUM N of three for each variable you test, all from the same stock, selected at L1 so you can't bias the experiment by subconsciously choosing nymphs you feel will give you the results you want to see
I not only agree, but then after dealing with the test such as I described, you will then need to "back test" as to make sure your results are from the environment or genes.

in other words, you now take the mantids and switch temps and you want to see the results of the wet and cool mantids in the hot and dry cages. if done for two generations, then we can eleminate what factor doesn't effect the color.

I figure with Ghosts such a test should take about 3 to 4 years to complete. I'm wondering who is willing to join me to put this issue to the test? huh? come on, you know you want to. lol


A great number of tests would need to be done before a proper assertion could be made. Doing so and carefully tracking the results and eliminating gentetics and factoring in the sex (ONLY females display the green coloration?) would require ALOT of man power and probably more than a handfull of hobbyists from different areas can pull off with results that are "reproducible". there are alot of variables to consider beyond temp & humidy.

light & dark cycles. constant heat & or humidity or variable. altitude? gravimetric stability blah blah blah....

If flamingos turn pink from thier shrimp diet, couldent we just mix green Koolaid in our fly food instead of Yen's blend? or just feed the ghosties shrimp!

so lets steer back towards general care specific to ghosts!

I think an "influencing color morph" thread would be best separate from this thread.

just picked up 8 L-1 ghosties from local breeder thanks TransAm!!!

and want to get this here we go, lets weigh in on advise to me for L-1 nymphs and lets see if we cant get them all to adult and bred, and have fertile ooths that hatch and get shared to the community!!!

So start out the first 3 instars feeding hydei, then step up to house flies. I have m sexes separate, and would advise the same for you. At L2 they will be sexable for you by he head casque shape. Feeders can be dusted wih yens blend or pollen.

I got Mels from TransAm with Nymphs and have Hydei already...will pitch both in

So start out the first 3 instars feeding hydei, then step up to house flies. I have m sexes separate, and would advise the same for you. At L2 they will be sexable for you by he head casque shape. Feeders can be dusted wih yens blend or pollen.
so "head casque shape" is what? the number of crooks on the top of their head? (clarify for noobs)

That's it we need a consolidated "heading" now on this forum, for all the great info per species, theres like 10 @??? consolidated now.

That's it we need a consolidated "heading" now on this forum, for all the great info per species, theres like 10 @??? consolidated now.

Heres one of my female ghosts


Notice the wide casque with only one bend, sorry I dont have a head close up of one of my males for you right now

I defenantly thinks we should add pics to this and other "consolidated" threads to help us "noobs"



lol...time will tell
