I give all of my mantids plenty of room to move and you know what they do? They move. My bugs never ever sit still, always exploring and always looking for a roaming beetle or a new place to hang around. You dont give them a small enclosure because they dont move, they dont move because you give them a small enclosure. Cramming them in a tiny enclosure like that is not taking care of the mantis, its taking care of your wallet and your "look how many bugs I have!" ego.
A GOOD breeder would have 75 bugs well cared for with plenty of room instead of 300 crammed into tiny little cups where they can't even open their wings. Only a person looking to make money off of mantids would keep them in something so incredibly small. People like that dont care about the mantids at all, and they aren't true hobbyists.
I mean just look at the cups in this picture, from your most recent update. They're MAYBE 2x the height of the mantis, there's no furniture at all, no plants to climb on, not even paper towel as a substrate. All they have is a prison cell with some screen on the wall. How can you possibly say this is good for the mantis, and not just good for your ego?