Hello Watervat,
Great that you managed to raise them to adults. Did you have many losses during the first instars?
How do you keep them? What is the temperature and the humidity? Do they have the same conditions all the year?
Sorry for all the questions but it is really a difficult species with only one generation per year, around 20 nymphs per ootheca and with different seasons in their natural habitat. It is difficult to imitate these in culture but I think it is necessary if you want to raise them successful for several generations.
I have these in culture since 2009 and I have my 2nd generation at the moment. Unfortunately only one female but mated and she already layed some oothecae. I hope they will hatch more successful than the last generation. Any advice on how you incubate the oothecae (or the weather in their habitat) is very welcome.
Good luck with your stock!!!
And some pictures of my stock:
L1 head
L3, male
L4, male
couple, pre-mating