'pillars to moths!


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
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So, a few weeks back, my very sweet and mega thoughtful housekeeper (who doesn't speak a lick of english; and I still don't know enough thai to hold a functional conversation with) dropped off these very fat, green caterpillars on my doorstep one day. She knows I raise insects (she's brave enough to enter my Room of Bug several times a week; so she's got chops), and had recently heard that I had become rather enthused with millipedes.
And so, while I was out one day, she left a stash of these guys by my front door (because they look close enough to millipedes, right?):


Well, I was never really interested in raising moths, and had never tried it--so I had no idea how to go about dealing with these guys. I had planned to release them onto their appropriate tree in the morning, since it was too late and I was too tired to do so before collapsing into bed that evening. So I placed them into one of my large, vacant mantis terrariums with the leafy branches that accompanied them. Just for the night.

I failed to remember that these guys buried themselves into the dirt when they were ready to pupate... and the substrate in my empty terrarium was...you guess it! Dirt and coco husks.

By the time I woke up in the morning, all the caterpillars were gone...and the fact that they had began to pupate was only evident in the way they had all stitched the coco husks together to form one big coco mat over the bottom of the terrarium. SIGH.
I didn't know what else to do...so I lightly misted the terrarium full of unwanted squatters, dubious that anything would come of it because...well, I've never tried to incubate moth pupae!

Fast forward to today: I came home this evening to find this magnificent beast chillin near the top of the terrarium!




I mean, damn son! Puberty treated you well!! What a gorgeous animal. It's hard to believe those fatassed caterpillars crawl out of the dirt looking like freakin' military aircraft! Unbelievable.

Species is Sphingidae Daphnis nerii for the fellow nerds who care to know :D If I'm lucky, there should be four more to follow this guy. I'll keep y'all posted if more do emerge over the next few days!

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Oh my gosh... they are beautiful..

It looks like army camo on it's wings..

So are you going to try raising those?.. it seems you may have a flair for it... Moth whisperer


Thanks for sharing!

P.S. Were the photo's enhanced?

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P.S. Were the photo's enhanced?
Yeah, I used a sharpen filter on them, since my only phone is a camera phone, and photos are pretty fuzzy at the best of times = u=!

As for raising them, I think I'll just release these guys once they've all emerged and are nice and hardy :D I don't have the right facilities to house flying insects properly right now ; u; I'm just happy I was able to bring 'em into adulthood. Not that I had to do much work...a light misting every day wasn't exactly strenuous hehehe.

They're definitely exciting to look at though, I can't lie about that!! Pleasant surprises...

Don't they? These guys take my breath away <3!!
Another male emerged during the night while I was asleep! So I took the chance to get some photos in proper daylight:



I wished they were large enough to ride into battle!

Oooh, I made an error in my previous identifications: those were not males.
This is a male:



Note the difference in the shape and coloration of the tip of it’s abdomen.

So, here we have a proper male. I have since released the two females who emerged last night, and now have two freshly emerged males! There is only one caterpillar left who’s yet to emerge a moth. Very exciting!

You can tell what sex they are by the tip of the abdomen. Females tend to have more blunt ends while males have pointier ends that are made up of a pair of claspers used during mating. It's easy to see the separation of the claspers when viewing from the underside.

These are beautiful moths that have been introduced into Hawaii. I know of only two other green hawkmoth species in the US--Eumorpha pandorus and Eumorpha labruscae.

hehe thanks for the informative reply!

All five moths have emerged! Two males, three females. I released four of them, the last one was a late bloomer, and I'm gonna release her tonight.

I'm super pleased that all five of them made it no problem! :D yay!

I mean, damn son! Puberty treated you well!! What a gorgeous animal. It's hard to believe those fatassed caterpillars crawl out of the dirt looking like freakin' military aircraft! Unbelievable.
I laughed. Very nice pics and cool looking moths.
