Plants Live v.s. Fake


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  • Fake

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Live

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
WEll it depends really because then you have to care for more than one life. A living plant will hold (and create) humidity better than a fake one. But with a fake one you dont have to worry about it dying. Its more a personal choice, but i'd say fake just cause its so easy.

I only keep temperate species, so plants are not really necessary. I just use a couple of sticks so the mantis can reach the mesh at the top of its deli cup in case it falls.

It's simple, and it works.

All my plants are real ;) (for my flowers mantis)

Why ? Because I try to reproduce the same environement :)

It is exactly the same thing for my reptiles :wink:

i want your guys opionion not what you think i should use i use lose soil, some grass, ivy, and one small tree

I use fake plants, though I only recently bothered to get them for my newest addition, a ghost mantis. All of my chinese mantises have always just snubed their butts in the direction of plants or sticks. Since I use screen cages, they much prefer to hang out on the mesh than bother with sticks. In fact, I only ever had one chinese mantis that ever once used a stick and that was a female who laid one of her oothecas on it.

My ghost mantis however loves to hide behind the plants and hang on the sticks. I think fake are easier because you don't have to worry about the plants dieing or mess up the humidity in your cage when watering them. It also makes cleaning the cage a breeze and you can wash the plants off if need be.
