Praying mantis website which needs your help


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May 19, 2014
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Hello everyone,

Today I have a request for you, I need your help with new Praying Mantis information website ( If you want to share your Praying mantis photos, videos and other media or you want to share your articles or opinion about Praying Mantis (care sheet, breeding, insectariums you can help me. We need anything what is related with mantises.

First of all the website needs more photos about Praying mantis food and diet and also their discriptions

You can contact me via e-mail: [email protected] or you can write me PM.


Thanks to all who contributed!

Yes, I'm from Lithuania,

Therefore some articles can be with some mistakes in english :/ All photos we try to put unique, but some we grab from "Pinterest". If you can and if you want please take more your mantis photos via e-mail or PM. Thanks a lot!

Hello. I have some photos of mantids you can use in my gallery on this mantidforum. Go to here:

Then look for the Gallery button.

On your website, page "Home". Some corrections or better ways of writing and just comments I made are in these things: <Yada yada yada> beside your sentence I am talking about. I hope you understand me.

I am often asked what are these insects (otherwise known as Preying Mantis or Prey Mantis), what they eat do they bite and are praying mantis <add plural "praying mantises" instead of "praying mantis"> endangered? In particularPraying Mantis – Mantodea assigned insects which counted up to 2,400 species of them. They are common in warm and tropical countries, they are a large, predatory, diurnal insects <I am not sure if they should be called diurnal because they are active during the night> and usually are green in color<Mantises have many colors. I would say just that they are often green because brown is a very common color for mantises also. Or just say "and are usually brown or green in color">. They have a well -developed wings and wing- they are usually translucent glass <This sentence is hard for me to understand.>. These insects have a <Take out the "a". Make it "These insects have very strong front legs" instead of "These insects have a very strong front legs" because you are not just talking about one leg> very strong front legs (attacking legs<I do not think Attacking legs sounds good. I think those front legs can be called raptorial legs>). By their help the praying mantis can bite his food, front leg shank a recess through which they can bend their legs as fold knife blade<This sentence is hard to understand, sorry.>. They are equipped with sharp studs<Instead of "studs" you might want to say "spikes", but I guess "studs" is alright> which help to keep until he is eager tofeed on prey escape <"which help to keep until he is eager tofeed on prey escape". This might be a better sentence "which helps to keep the prey from escaping until he is eager to feed". I have trouble understanding that sentence so you might mean "which helps to keep the prey from escaping while the mantis eats">. Typically, females are larger than males, and sometimes mate attacks or even eats them <I would change that sentence to "Typically, females are larger than males, and sometimes the female attacks the male or even eats the male while mating.">. The body is oblong -shaped. Head is triangular and very flexible as well. They have a very large eyes with a total of 3 of them. The praying mantis can see movement up to 60 feet away.

This insect makes an excellent pet. It is small, has minimal care requirements and can be left alone for several days <They cannot always be left alone for a few days, sometimes they need care daily.>. However, their life span is very short, they usually only live for one season (called praying mantis life cycle). Nevertheless, it is <add "an" so that it will be "it is an endlessly interesting exotic pet"> endlessly interesting exotic pet that will surprise you everyday with their beauty and exclusivity .


Care Sheet
This is the basic information which may be required for the production <By "production" do you mean to "raise"?> of these animals.

Food and Diet
Everything you need to know<I am not so sure if it is good to say Everything you need to know, because you probably do not have everything you need to know about how and what to feed them.>. What does a praying mantis eat and how to take care of their health.

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In the "Food and Diet" page.

What do praying mantis eat?
Food ration shall consist of what Praying Mantis can find in nature and it swould be easy to get for you <"it should be easy for you to get"> in specialized pet shops. These are suitable:
• Mealworms <Mealworms I think actually are not very good to use as feeders for mantids>
• Crickets
• Flies
• Roaches
• Flies larvae <Change this"Flies larvae" to "Fly larvae".>
• Superworms
• Wax worms
Before feeding your pet, make sure that the food he eats, <I do not think you need a comma there.> is filled with a <Take out the "a"> good vitamin-fortified foods such as carrots, apples and other nutritious vegetables. <I think you are supposed have a comma instead of a period when you have and. So it would be "other nutritious vegetables, and make sure this"> And make sure this victims stomach content go to your pet’s stomach <By that do you mean "know what you feed the feeders because it ends up in your mantis"?>. This is the only way to make your Praying Mantis healthy. Also, if it is possible you can feed your pet with insects right after a molt. At this time they are not covered with chitin coating yet so they are easily vulnerable and your pet will only deal easier with your donation <This does not sound good. The word donation does not sound right in this sentence.>.

Mealworms and Crickets

This is the main food which you can buy in almost every specialty pet stores or online. This is one of the most valuable foods you can offer for your Praying Mantis to lunch. Also, they come in all sizes from just born to adults. Make sure to find the right size for your pet. Their prices are very low because most of the exotic animals growers prefer this as a main meal. Crickets and mealworms should be fed with fresh vegetables or fruits that are healthy and nutritious for your pet. For their meal you can use cucumbers, carrots, apples, zucchini they can also be fed with dry fish food. Also the specialty stores have food that is specially prepared for these insect’s <Take out the apostrophe in "insect's" so that it will be "insects">.

Other food

All other remaining food you can get from nature. It’s only important that the food is healthy and non-toxic <I would mention that there are insects that have toxins such as stink bugs and ants.>. Praying Mantis bite <change "bite" to "eat"> anything that is less than the same size and moves <I would say "Praying Mantises will eat anything that moves and is smaller than himself"> so collect food for your pet responsibly. When you catch an insect in the wild, hold it separately and closed. Observe if it is healthy and not infected with various parasites which are abundant in nature. This way you can protect your pet from nasty parasites such as mites that can kill your pet. We do not recommend feeding Praying Mantis with food that is caught outside because it is easy to buy at stores, and then you ‘ll be guaranteed not only on the field living parasites but also on your pet’s food nutrition because you know what you do with his food before placing it in your Praying Mantis <Food from pet stores I think still could have parasites.>.

On page "Care Sheet"

Praying Mantis Care and Growing

What do praying mantis <add plural "praying mantises"> eat?
Generally they bite <change "they bite" to "they feed"> on other insects <might need comma here> but occasionally they catch small frogs and small lizards. In fact they attackanything that moves and is smaller than him <instead of "attack anythings that moves and is smaller than him" this might be better "attack anythings that moves if it is smaller than him".>. You can feed him with pilgrims flies, mealworms, crickets, wax worms or small silkworms. All non-toxic <add "insects" here> smaller than <add "the" here> Praying Mantisinsects <take out "insects"> are suitable.

Terrarium or Insectarium

Exotic insects can be maintained in an empty glass 3-4 gallon aquarium. <add "The" here> Terrarium depends on the species of praying mantises <Take out plural in "praying mantises"> . <add "The" here> Insectarium should be vertical <instead of "should be vertical" write "should be higher than wide"> and filled with artificial plants and branches that they could climb on because praying mantis <change "praying mantis" to "praying mantises"> will spend their entire life cycle in that space <This does not seem to be a very good explanation for why they need the artificial plants and branches.>. They are very fond of climbing and simulated tree branches that are gathered from nature. Before placing decorations in the terrarium remember to get them heat-treated from <change "from" to "for"> various parasites. You can do it by giving them a shower of boiling water or you can put them in the oven or microwave oven. Then, all the bacteria in the scenery will be killed. Do not forget that the Praying Mantis is cannibalistic and raise them indvidually <replace this sentence with "Do not forget that the Praying Mantis is cannibalistic so raise them individually">. <add "The" here> Terrarium should be placed with a clean water tank. This <add "is" here>required to maintain a constant humidity. Substrate of peat or mold also needs to be hydrated constantly because the conditions of growing <you might mean "the environment or conditions for your mantis should be similar to the conditions in the wild where it comes from"> have to recall the nature of which he originated. Substrate must also be heat-treated in boiling water or in the oven so Praying Mantis would avoid the danger <instead of "so Praying Mantis would avoid the danger" do "so that you will avoid danger to your Praying Mantis">.

Hello, you really surprised me. I'm really amazed and very grateful for this work, you can't even imagine. Your advice means a lot and i will use it properly. Thank you!

About photo gallery, I can't do this, because I do not have a permission:

Sorry, you don't have permission for that!

If you want to write any article about praying mantis (maybe about specific species) with your photography and etc. write to me!

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