Pseudocreobotra ocellata


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The Skate Life
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I finally got my new camera!!! It's almost my birthday and my dad won't be here to celebrate it so he got me an early b-day present. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, the auto focus is pretty frisky. Well anyway, here is my daring Pseudocreobotra ocellata hanging out on a venus fly trap.




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Thanks guys, I don't like bright overexposed lights and no it didnt fall in :p

I finally got my new camera!!! It's almost my birthday and my dad won't be here to celebrate it so he got me an early b-day present. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, the auto focus is pretty frisky. Well anyway, here is my daring Pseudocreobotra ocellata hanging out on a venus fly trap.


Why do you have venus fly traps in there. They will eat the mantids

Was it really necessary to copy all the pictures again? >_< The venus fly traps aren't in anything at all. They just sit on my windowsill. I put the mantis there for the purpose of taking a nice picture, plus it's not even on the trap it's on the flower stalk. I've been keeping carnivorous plants for 2 years now. I think I know weather or not if it can eat a mantis.

oh yeh that was clever.putting it in with those venus the next picture you send it will read it was a bad idea to use them as foliage,and then a picture of a horribly melted down mantis.

just joking

great looking ocellata! ;)

Are you letting them (the VFT lol) flower on purpose? seed? As im sure your aware, it tends tyo make them look like ###### for a while, but they come back.

anyway, good job!

great looking ocellata! ;) Are you letting them (the VFT lol) flower on purpose? seed? As im sure your aware, it tends tyo make them look like ###### for a while, but they come back.

anyway, good job!
Yeah, When I first bought it, the plant was small but had alot of traps, I wondered why it was so crowded and when i went to repot them I found out that there were actually 6 individual rhizomes in there. This is one of the 2 that I let flower. I cut out flowers off the other 4.

It's really unlikely that a venus flytrap would be able to take a mantis of this size. Firstly the mantis won't be attracted to the nectar in the trap and the mantis would also have to trigger a couple of the hairs inside.

Also Sparky was right there if problems were to arrise so completely safe B)

Sparky, what camera did your dad buy for you?

It's really unlikely that a venus flytrap would be able to take a mantis of this size. Firstly the mantis won't be attracted to the nectar in the trap and the mantis would also have to trigger a couple of the hairs inside. Also Sparky was right there if problems were to arrise so completely safe B)

Sparky, what camera did your dad buy for you?
Thanks for stating that and not going "NUBZ0R DUN U N0 FLYTREP EET UR BUGZ!"

The camera is a L18 Nikon COOLPIX. It's pretty good and it's cheap. He bought it for $134 at best buy. I'm pretty sure you can find better ones.
