Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii fungal infection?


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Hey Andy, well Carey from mantispets has a great product for this. It is called Silver Spray (Sanitizing Spray) a

I wouldnd the description says...“...antifungal, antibacterial, and antimold...” it is at the bottom of this page.... I would love to get my hands on some cause it sounds very useful and reliable, but getting in contact with Carey wont hurt... Hope this helps! :D

So this spray is safe for mantids right?
That is how it is advertised and I would expect it to have been tested to be so, Carey is very reliable and you can check this in the feedback section. I would get it or try other methods to try and remove the fungus myself. It does look kind of nasty and it may prevent molting (guess) as it could be attached inside of the exoskeleton not just on the outside and if this is the case it could make it hard for the mantis to get its head out.

K, I'll buy it soon as I can.

The fungus looks like it's got very slightly smaller.

I've tried low humidity, not letting any water on it's head and I even tried picking it off with a needle but it was too hard to move.

Hope the spray works.

Sorry to hear about the fungus, but she's absolutely gorgeous! I hope everything goes well, keep us posted!

Ok, so after a bit of a confusion I've found out that the shipping is $17 and it won't come for a while.

The mantis is going to molt sometime in the next week or two.

Wondering if I should get it and hope it comes a while before it molts, or not get it and hope that the fungus comes off in the molt.

If the fungus is still their next molt (if it survives) then yiu shiuld get the spray. Just saying, cause I dont see any other 'tactict'

All the best,


GOOD NEWS!!! :clap:

2 days ago I managed to gently pick off about 80% of the fungus. (I think the fungus died?)

Yesterday it looked like it was ready to moult so sprayed the enclosure floor to get the humidity up.

In the evening I saw it half way through moulting and it looked great. This morning it has no signs of fungus and looks awesome!!!

Pictures up soon!

One of it's tarsi on it's right 'arm' hasn't grown back and is still a stump. But I'll just give it lots of nice twigs to grip on to. :)

Photos will be up today/tomorrow! :D
