Flight capabilities vary some depending on species and sex of the mantis. Female mantises get heavy with eggs and tend to only jump-glide, or as I prefer to call it, fall slightly slower. In some species the females don't even get full wings but only half wings or tiny nubs. The males on the other hand are much lighter and can really get going. Typically you can minimize them flying if you take them out during the day. Most males do their roaming at night. Inside I find most males don't fly around as much as they will fly until they slam into the first object in their path, which usually doesn't take long in a room. It is possible to loose them in a room with a lot of stuff, especially if you have one of the smaller species in a more cluttered room. You need to be mindful of any lights. Like a lot of bugs they can end up spiraling into the light so you don't want anything too hot to touch turned on while they are free roaming. I would also be mindful of any air vents.