Rainbow Rhombodera!


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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One of my L4 nymphs has really unique colors. The rest are standard green with yellow/tan raptors.

Anyone out there that I sold to have any this color? If so, maybe we should try to breed them to boost the mutation.









My old Rhomboderas were this color all the way until adult.

I'll have to take a closer look. :detective: Mine are doing well and shields are starting to show. I lost one to a mismolt early, but the rest are good.

I'll have to take a closer look. :detective: Mine are doing well and shields are starting to show. I lost one to a mismolt early, but the rest are good.
I darkened these photos up to bring out the colors but if you have any like it you'll see all these colors - just a little lighter. The most noticeable thing is the amount of red/orange tint in the raptors and underside, and the purple on top of the head. I can spot this one from across the room. Very noticeable when the nymphs are side by side. I have a couple others with a little of this coloration but not nearly as extreme as this one.

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Yeah - I had some "Red Flash" (at least that's what they were calling them) last year, that looked like that. But the orange, browns and pinks were essentially just red. I gave them away at an early stage, so never saw the adult form.

Awsome i wonder if it will turn out like my solid orange stalli i showed you :) strange we are getting this from two different rombodera species as my rombodera sp from your stock seem all green i will go through them all tomorrow and check for sure ;)

Beautiful! I'm guessing you won't be sending me that one....
If we had swapped earlier you might have ended up with the red one. It only started showing this last molt.

I'm really hoping the color holds as it matures. Would be completely awesome to get photos of that! Chrisp's orange stalli is pretty cool.
