raising crickets


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Fremont Ne.
I did a search on this and could'nt find anything,is it possible to raise your own crickets,I live in an apartment so I don/t want nothing too smelly,the crickets close by are really pricey,just considering,I realize i'd probably need a dark tupperware tote for this

I'm just going with what I have read. :blush: I steered clear from the get go after doing some reading. Search around and see what's out there for different feeders and decide what's best. You'll get lot of differing views.

I think I may try crickets,see what goes,hopefully will have alot of little hungry chinese by then,I really don't have to breed them,in a wooden lot about 2 blocks away there alot of them,just go get an ooth,incidently,I've noticed that the ooths you pickup outside are generally healther than the ones in the fridge,I have a theory I'm gonna try this winter

About a dozen,I usually put up 90 to 100 cups,number of nymps 2 to 5 a cup,in a fridge I always lay them on their side,well their laid exit down,just gonna lay them that way in the fridge,keep records and see
