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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score
amstelveen Nl
does anyone know some interesting ways to take revenge on the most annoying sister ever???

really come whit somethin good AND NO INSECTS!!!!!!!

i,m responsile for consequenses...

my revenge will be hard... B)

heheheh! :lol:

can you tie a trip line/knot? try putting one in a bed/object thats often touched/used. I may have hog tied my sister a time or ten...

Oh-do you have access to some glue? The ol' glued-to-the-seat is always funny...or the toilet...

I'll rack my brain for more good-er...horrible memories no one should try! ;)

Whar are your religious beliefs? Revenge is generally something likely to hurt you as much as her. Either way, don't they say 'living well is the best revenge'?

[SIZE=10pt]I went through and cleaned out some disturbing posts in this topic thread, yesterday. Today I found more and decided to clean up the borderline ones too. It's a fun topic, but it's starting to go too far and away from our family-friendly spirit. I'll delete the entire topic if we can't keep it clean.[/SIZE]



Some of these are disturbing but fun to read. They sound so evil though! Maybe if you told us what your sister did, idolomantis, then this thread might not sound so disturbing. :p

Buy one of those fake winning lotto tickets and give it to her as you scratch off a real one yourself. Let her think she has a winner while you snicker

yeah i just scared her whit scott,s picture of the housefly :D thx MJ.... XD

i just let the computer sleep and she started it up... the pic of the fly popped up while i screamed at the same time in her ear, and she almost died :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i,ve noted everything you told me for later ;)

mission completed(for this day...)

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heheheh! :lol: can you tie a trip line/knot? try putting one in a bed/object thats often touched/used. I may have hog tied my sister a time or ten...

Oh-do you have access to some glue? The ol' glued-to-the-seat is always funny...or the toilet...

I'll rack my brain for more good-er...horrible memories no one should try! ;)
i have a good one for u..your need a plastic beaker..fill it to the top with water..then open a door half way and place the beaker on the top of the door..make sure u set it up so she has to push the door to go through..Not pull!,This way as she pusses the door the beaker of water will fall on to do it when i was a kid to my brother was 28 years old getting ready to go out on the town.hes all dressed up and while hes going toilet i set the beaker up..i was only 12 years old..any way u can imagine what happened,,he got wet and chased me up the street.lucky for me he didnt catch me..if he did im sure i would of got a dead

You could always 'accidently' drop an open cricket box in her room :lol: Chirping for weeks. 99th post!

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOL i,m going to use that one XD XD XDshe,s scared to dead of insects :lol: :lol: :lol:
bad idear..they will escape and go in to your room. ;) i still think the clean film one is best,,give her some laxatives and cote the tolte in a mess that would be :lol:

Suggesting harmless pranks may be quite funny. It's suggesting things that mame or kill that isn't acceptable.
<_< Why was mine deleted? There was a vid of cream-pie-ing people..... <_< Harmless and funny..... :mellow:

Sorry, that was my bad. I didn't follow the link, or maybe there was something previously quoted from another member in the body of your reply. Feel free to repost your link to that.


<_< Why was mine deleted? There was a vid of cream-pie-ing people..... <_< Harmless and funny..... :mellow: