Rescued another


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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
Well I happened upon another mantis this weekend and saved it from the inevitable deadly frost on its way. Ironically I found her in the wood pile as I was stacking firewood in preparation for winter. She doesnt look much like the Carolina I found weeks ago. She is different both in color and mannerisms. She is much more aggressive than the other one and has much better eyesight, as the carolina doesnt see anything farther than 6 inches away. she is definitely a stalker, and will run laps around the tank chasing crickets. She is all green with a single black spot on one wing and black underarms.






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Cool! So now that makes our collection 2 Adult Carolinas, two L-4 Giant Asians, and any day now we will be getting three L-2 ghosts from Rebecca.

However I dont think the mottled Carolina is gonna last much longer. After laying the last ooth she has been acting tired. She hasnt ate in a few days, and before she always hung from the screen at the top of the tank. Now she just lies around in the grass and is too weak to even climb up to the top where she usually hung out. All signs point to her pulling a Charlotte. Only time will tell.

I have found them to usually be pretty aggressive over food. Just keep in mind she is pretty much at the end of her life so don't expect her to last for very long.

Well, she might still be able to drop an ooth, so who knows if you will have more of these...

All signs point to her pulling a Charlotte. Only time will tell.

LOL :lol: "pulling a Charlotte" I gotta use that one!


She is gone. She went out quietly in the night by simply hanging her head as she lay in the grass. Actually looked like she was praying.

Are there any carolina around northwest indiana? I've never seen them i was wondering if i could hatch an egg and get some cultures going then hatch an egg after i get a lot and release some?
