Rhombodera Basalis Ooth / Not Hatching


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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
O'Brien, Oregon

I obtained an Rhombodera Basalis Ooth from one of the breeders of this forum and he said it was about two weeks old when i received it. I received it on the 19th of June, it has been approx 45 days and still no hatching. Fowled breeders info exactly. One well know breeder suggested waiting 50 days before cutting it open. I was told that this species take right at 30 days to hatch. If i have to what's the best way to cut the Ooth open, and to reseal it in case it is fertile. And what will i find? Or how long should i wait?

Regards <_<


I got a Rhombodera Ooth from someone at this forum and it's been 2 months to the day since I received it.

I smell a consipracy!

On topic, just wait. No reason to cut it.

I also got one from a forum member. But mine hatched after only about 30 days. Don't cut the ooth open! You can not "reseal" it. If it is fertile and you cut into it, it will be ruined. Wait another 2 weeks as the breeder may have mistaken the age of the ooth. After a good 8 weeks, you can cut into it. If you see nice clear, "wet" looking eggs, then it might have been fertile and you ruined it. If the eggs are black and shrivilled up husks, then it was ruined/non-fertile before you opened it up.

It's the other way: if there are eggs containing clear liquid after 8 weeks, it was infertile. If there are black shrinked nymphs into it, it was fertile and the nymphs died from some reason.

This is exactly why I never trade ooths.
