this morning, i saw my S. lineola female molted to become adult, then is was happy. buth then, all started to go wrong! :huh:
she was SKINNY, and worst of al! her eye is kind a black.... and on of her antenne's is hanging in it...
she can't catch food the normal way, cuz she can only see with one eye.
tomorrow, I'll try to feed her with a pincet,
and place some pics...
i HOPE you proffesionals can help this little n00b...
thanks a lot!!!
this morning, i saw my S. lineola female molted to become adult, then is was happy. buth then, all started to go wrong! :huh:
she was SKINNY, and worst of al! her eye is kind a black.... and on of her antenne's is hanging in it...
she can't catch food the normal way, cuz she can only see with one eye.
tomorrow, I'll try to feed her with a pincet,
and place some pics...
i HOPE you proffesionals can help this little n00b...
thanks a lot!!!