Has anyone here tried to breed house centipedes with success? I've heard of a papers on thier development but have no idea where to find it. Any help would be appreciated.
I was just reading about them and it says they only come out in night. I was just reading they are very hard to catch also. My best guess on getting them is either buy some or go in a basement or crawl space.
Those centipedes are very fast and hard to catch. Once in awhile i find them in my bathroom they crawl out of my bathtub drain and the sink drain my girl freaks out every time. if i come across any i'll PM you orin.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any literature but I was able to figure out how to determine gender and rear young. I'm working on an article for the March I-M issue. Where did you buy them from? I'd love to find a source.
How much did tha adults cost? I'm extremely interested but can't justify paying a price I could never sell one at (especially since I'd like to buy five or ten).