Sexing Chinese Mantis?


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Feb 9, 2012
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Hey all.

A bunch of friends and I have had some Tenodera Sinensis for a while and I was wondering if you guys know how to determine the sex of them. I've heard that females have 6 segments and males have 7 or 8. But They're all at L4 and its a little hard to tell how to count and tell how many there are especially since they're still a little small.

Any other little tips you guys have or different ways of telling the males and females apart?


As far as I know, counting the segments is the best way to sex most mantids. I believe it is 6-7 segments for females and 8 for males. Try fattening them up with food, with an expanded abdomen, and maybe with the help of a magnifying glass, it will be easy to count the segments.

6=female, 8 can look like 7 sometimes which is male, they are notoriously hard to sex that young, a few more molts will clear up the mystery, males stay thin and long for their size, females will be larger and fatten up.

oh yes, don't forget to count from the bottom, not from the top ;) Or you may end up with a number like... 10.

Not it isn't. Same still applies. You might need a magnifying glass or something is all.
