She's a beast, a beast I tell you!


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She's addicted.

Soon she'll have a tatoo of barney fife where she has the mantis bite her, so nobody can see her otherwise obvious addiction :rolleyes: :p

You need to feed those mantis' Rebecca, something other than human flesh ;) :D

I've got a couple people you could send that mantis over to see... :ph34r: after all, he is a ghost mantis isn't he

:lol: ...

This thread is so funny it made my day


We had spiderman, now here we have Rebecca the mantis lady :D :lol: Did you just buy a new life insurance for your hubby Becky ;)

But seriously ...... OUCH!!!

:D As always, u guys kill me! Here is new pic of bite, it is worse, hurts and now after getting the puss out this morning it is swollen and bigger ,yea bigger, bigger arms, with claws, no that can't be my aremmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :angry: .

I did put antibotic on it yesterday after getting bit, but u know me, I didn't do it till I finished feeding, I should of done it right away, twitch, swat, switch,,,, oh ok I'm back... so now I will pay the piper, or is it Barney, yea Barney,,,, I'm comin Barney, it's the big one!

ps Yen, how did u know about the insurance policy... :mellow:

haha, oh my, I forgot t o post the pic


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:mellow: Well it is worse this morning, antibacteria does not seem to help, course without it, I may see more growth in the arm and who knows, maybe one morning when I wake up I'll find I ate my mates head! :lol:

Seriously though, anyone got any thoughts I can do with it? I tried to squeeze it or open it up to put some peroxide on it, it had a hard head on it, but it wouldn't open up so I could only pour some over it, then put some more ointment on it and covered it with bandaid.

:mellow: Well it is worse this morning, antibacteria does not seem to help, course without it, I may see more growth in the arm and who knows, maybe one morning when I wake up I'll find I ate my mates head! :lol: Seriously though, anyone got any thoughts I can do with it? I tried to squeeze it or open it up to put some peroxide on it, it had a hard head on it, but it wouldn't open up so I could only pour some over it, then put some more ointment on it and covered it with bandaid.
O.K. Becca:

While that "hard head" remains in place, the wound is effectively sealed, and anything you put on it won't touch the infected area underneath. Apply a small warm compress (a wet facecloth heated as hot as you can bear it in the microwave) to the area and the infected area should come to a head. If it doesn't pop, don't go digging at it, the infected material (pus) will absorb. If it does pop, swab the open area with rubbing alcohol to clean the wound (ouch!) and cover it with a band aid. It will leak until it dries up. In the very unlikely event that you notice a red line running from the wound area to your armpit (inflamed lymph line) you might want to call your doc, but he'll only say "nothing to worry about" (and bill you!).

Did you have the Biting Beast impounded to test for hydrophobia?

Keep us updated!

I don't like docs! Plus I have had a tetnus shot within the last few years, when I cut up two fingers in the lawn mower!
And you didn't do as I suggested, did you? Among my other amazing qualifications I am an RN licensed in IL and AZ (but not in Ohio B) ) so I shall be billing you, whether you follow my advice or not. Go on! Find a facecloth and apply that warm compress now! It will be much easier to do it now, before your hand turns into a claw! :eek:

And no, the itching doesn't mean that "it's getting better"!

I was gonna do it Phil, I really was, but I thought it would just be a good time to just stick a hot coal on it from the fireplace and finish it off :eek: but I could not grasp it with me claw... I mean hand.. I go do it now..

:angry: this is the mood I am in today, don't know why but I am, and everytime s :angry: me :angry: ne comes by me, I either cry or start flailing my hands at them :eek:
ps Phil, u did not say if the disease was real :angry:
Hydrophobia? It's just another name for rabies! :lol: When dogs get it, they foam at the mouth and bite people; I guess that mantids would have similar symptoms. In humans, the symptoms are a bit different. The victim will often start crying and waving their hands whenever anyone comes by. :eek:

Hydrophobia? It's just another name for rabies! :lol: When dogs get it, they foam at the mouth and bite people; I guess that mantids would have similar symptoms. In humans, the symptoms are a bit different. The victim will often start crying and waving their hands whenever anyone comes by. :eek:
:lol: :lol: Make my Day! I go bite u know who now! :p
