Shipping to Mexico or Canada


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it is more risky because you have to go through customs. i would never do it.

they are correct...shipping you run the risk of getting a box of squished bugs :( mantids are frowned upon anyways like patrick said.

I dont think anything bad would happen legaly...but again you might not have a successful shipment.

or could say they are feeder bugs...that are not live yet??? ! lol

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I'm not concerned about squished bugs. I know how to package things well. People ship bugs all the time. I'm really only concerned with legality. If it's legal to ship feeder bugs to Mexico, then I might be able to get away with it, but if I'm going to risk getting in to big trouble, then it may not be worth it.

Not live yet?

I'm not concerned about squished bugs. I know how to package things well. People ship bugs all the time. I'm really only concerned with legality. If it's legal to ship feeder bugs to Mexico, then I might be able to get away with it, but if I'm going to risk getting in to big trouble, then it may not be worth it.

Not live yet?
thats not what he was saying. customs squishes bugs not packaging ;)
If it helps any, I've shipped to Poland and Mexico with no problems. When filling out the paperwork(customs) I wrote that the contents were educational toys and figurines so when/if they scan, it looks like small figures/toys. Don't say it bugs or live anything on the package and you'll have better chances. I don't think they will squish them, more likely the microwave or gas them is what I hear, there to chicken to open it and go head to head with a bunch of unknown bugs! :shuriken: I think there words would be "I don't get payed enough for this sh!t" !

It would probably be far more risky to import vs export. With any international shipping you run the risk of your package being confiscated.

If it helps any, I've shipped to Poland and Mexico with no problems. When filling out the paperwork(customs) I wrote that the contents were educational toys and figurines so when/if they scan, it looks like small figures/toys. Don't say it bugs or live anything on the package and you'll have better chances. I don't think they will squish them, more likely the microwave or gas them is what I hear, there to chicken to open it and go head to head with a bunch of unknown bugs! :shuriken: I think there words would be "I don't get payed enough for this sh!t" !
Thats the only possible way, you can always senth ooths they can arive on time on expedited mail(inside a letter of course), jut dont make it look bulky

If it helps any, I've shipped to Poland and Mexico with no problems. When filling out the paperwork(customs) I wrote that the contents were educational toys and figurines so when/if they scan, it looks like small figures/toys. Don't say it bugs or live anything on the package and you'll have better chances. I don't think they will squish them, more likely the microwave or gas them is what I hear, there to chicken to open it and go head to head with a bunch of unknown bugs! :shuriken: I think there words would be "I don't get payed enough for this sh!t" !
I got My Ooth ship from Chrisp to Canada arrive Just fine 1 hatched out of the 2 . I think the key word is Toys @@" just go to $1 store buy some little army toys send 1 with each letter or package... so when they scan it it does look like a toy inside...

we havent had trouble with ooths before all arrived quite fine my friend

maybe I should get a job in customs...and just "confiscate" my way to a SWEET mantid collection. and work out a "blind-eye" loophole for forum

funny but true my brother in law is very high up in US Customs and Border protectioniod Washington D.C. haha...he visitied us at christmass and loved my collection.

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