Gripen, I didn't double check my order spreadsheet, but I don't remember actually selling any to you.
I kept detailed documentation on my b mendica mating, ooths, hatching, etc. I shipped mostly L2s. But Alex wanted L3s and that's definitely what I sent him. The first two ooths hatched on 11/29 and 12/2. I gave away the next ooth to a friend. So, I didn't have another hatch until 12/18. Alex wanted his shipped on his Christmas break. I shipped his order on December 28. They were definitely L3s by then. I have new L1s now, and these guys are pretty tiny.
I'm surprised that Alex and a few others don't have adults by now. I shipped some from the first or second ooth to another forum member and kept 6 - 7 for myself for breeding stock. We both have adults and babies now.