Sleep Deprivation


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
My toxic combination of procrastination and high academic expectations is really taking a toll on my sleep. I've pulled 3 all nighter a so far this week alone to revise for finals. I'm not starting to see things that aren't there yet, but I swear the feeders that I catch in the afternoon are getting quite a bit faster.

Any other college students here to share in my misery? I'm going to sleep SO much after today's final. Then I start my internship on Saturday, so not much of a break.

I'm a lowly swing shift worker and only for that reasion I often can't remain asleep more than four hours a night. Imagine cramming for your finals for 13 years.

I meant to say swing shift so those "nights" are days half the time.

Just finished my bachelors and I can honestly say I never stayed up later than 11 pm ever. I have a 3.7 gpa as well. Just my experience. But I start graduate school in the Fall so we will see if that changes.

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I'm more of a night owl. I like to get my work done when everyone is asleep and the house is quiet. I wouldn't go to bed before midnight on a normal day.

I have that same toxic combination of procrastination and high expectations. During my final week, I had a number of energy drinks and I HAVE gotten to the point of sleep deprivation where I start seeing things that aren't there.. tis annoying when it happens.

I have that same toxic combination of procrastination and high expectations. During my final week, I had a number of energy drinks and I HAVE gotten to the point of sleep deprivation where I start seeing things that aren't there.. tis annoying when it happens.
Yep. Maybe the difference is I don't wait, I get stuff done as soon as possible. I also think being an older student makes a difference. I never saw a need to stay up real late or pull an all nighter. Half of college is about learning time management.

I hear you, Mime. I'm not a procrastinator, but high academic expectations can drive me into the ground, especially last quarter. Constant fatigue is the price I pay for my GPA, though. :rolleyes: This is my last quarter until I get my BA in Environmental Science, and I will be sooo happy to be done with school. (Don't plan on going back to get my Masters, but we'll see. <_< ) I've only had to pull an academic all-nighter once, and I felt this PhD comic described it pretty perfectly: I've also done a few all-nighters when I had sick goldfish... It is no fun, and you have my sympathy for having to have so many in a row.

Good luck on your last final! Get some rest! What's your major, by the way?

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Ugh i hate sleep deprivation

I only pull all-nighters on saturniid calling nights cause if im too sleep deprived, i literally go crazy and pose a serious danger to myself and others

So yeah, GET SOME SLEEP :lol: ;)
