SoCal Tetragnatha


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River Dane

Well-known member
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
California, USA
Hey reader,

So I thought these guys were cool when I first saw them, but never really gave them much thought. Then I read somewhere that there are two known species native to Southern California, Nitens and Veriscolor. Is this true?

also. Where do I find them? Do they like vegetation or civilization? Is there a way to sex them? Are they dangerous? How large do they get? What kind of habitat would they like, and how large?

Thanks for reading, and answers would be appreciated!

Around here Tetragnatha are very abundant in vegetation around marshes and other bodies of water. Not dangerous, sexes can be told apart in that males are skinnier with larger chelicerae and pedipalps.

They're orbweavers, so they need an enclosure big enough for a large web. (They could probably also live OK with less space but you wouldn't get to see all of their behaviors.) They live in very close proximity in the wild so they could likely be kept communally.


Okay, great. TYSM!

 So would, like, a 1 gallon be okay for several, or would they need much larger?
Too small for a full- sized web, but a few could still probably live in that amount of space comfortably. I have no idea how they behave in captivity when kept in groups. They might do fine really crowded, or they might eat eachother if they don't have a ton of space to build their own webs. It'll take experimentation to find the answer.
