Some pics! (3)


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Thank you with all ;)

I separated 60 specimens out of goblets, and gathered 35 specimens.

Here, it will be necessary to wait a few weeks to see whether the first moults occur well!

Bests regards, François!

Hello,Thank you with all ;)

I separated 60 specimens out of goblets, and gathered 35 specimens.

Here, it will be necessary to wait a few weeks to see whether the first moults occur well!

Bests regards, François!
Good luck François!


Deroplatys lobata : The first ooth east can be fertilized, the second is not it!

Bests regards, François!


I think that one should not make general information for the moment! ;)

there are ooths clearer than others or darker, but I had of it if little that it is impossible dêtre on colouring is a sign of fruitfulness!

I gathered a small group of impassioned French, and I hope that in 2010 I could clarified this point ;)

Moreover, I did not note penetrations, then the 2 ooths are can be not fertilized… Answer in one month and half!

Bests regards, François!

Hello :)

Coupling of Phyllovates chlorophaea!

good festivals of end of the year to all!

Bests regards, François!

I am particularly impressed with the roach-hatching picture. That is amazing.
Me too, though all of your pix are great. And in case anyone is wondering, Shelfordella tartara is the old name for my all-time favorite roach and local inhabitant, Blatta lateralis, the Turkestan, roach.
