Some pics from the mantid house


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My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
LOL thats great!

Rick you might wanna try a more aggressive and larger species such as Chinese or Giant Asian... Just an idea...
What do you mean? I have kept both of those on more than one occasion.

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
LOL thats great!

Rick you might wanna try a more aggressive and larger species such as Chinese or Giant Asian... Just an idea...
What do you mean? I have kept both of those on more than one occasion.
I mean in the same set up as the miomantis. See how ell a more aggressive species takes to a small colony..

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
LOL thats great!

Rick you might wanna try a more aggressive and larger species such as Chinese or Giant Asian... Just an idea...
What do you mean? I have kept both of those on more than one occasion.
I mean in the same set up as the miomantis. See how ell a more aggressive species takes to a small colony..
If you read the whole thread you would of read where I did replace the miomantis with h. mem. About 12 of them lived in there till adulthood and then I sold them off. It's empty right now.

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
LOL thats great!

Rick you might wanna try a more aggressive and larger species such as Chinese or Giant Asian... Just an idea...
What do you mean? I have kept both of those on more than one occasion.
I mean in the same set up as the miomantis. See how ell a more aggressive species takes to a small colony..
If you read the whole thread you would of read where I did replace the miomantis with h. mem. About 12 of them lived in there till adulthood and then I sold them off. It's empty right now.
Whoops! Missed that... Sorry mate! :D

my guees is his room is 70f min so he dont need heating..

Rick - any pics?hows it going with that? u still got it set up?

Tore it down a few months ago. I sold everything in there to Yen. I pulled out about 10 adult H. Mems. It worked better with the small mantids. I don't use any heating for mantids really. I started using a small closet that houses a water heater for some as it stays warm in there.
