Sphodromantis viridis


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Hello all! So I have a group of S. viridis (4 females and 3 males) and I have been trying to breed them without any success!

All have matured either 4 or more weeks ago. All are eating well and temps are in the high 70F's.

I have tried using other methods illustrated on the boards to have them copulate but none work. Either the male shows no interest or his interest is that of a feeding response! Yes my males have tried eating the females... This is ridiculous xD!

One make got munched a week ago and I now have two left. any suggestions? I have tried placing a male behind a female. His antennae wave about and he follows her but never goes for it. I even let them roam free together in a room full of ficus and hanging Pothos and every time I put a male in a female's presence, nothing results.

Any advice would be most appreciated! Thank you kindly :)

Thanks. I actually thought ahead and separated an immature male in an enclosure downstairs. Essentially he hasn't been in the presence of any female since before maturity ;) .

Fingers crossed!

yea, males get hungry too and sometimes we dont feed them enough, I leave in some bbs just in case. my double shields have been adult for over a month, maybe two and just tonight when I was ready to curse them .... well he got on by hiself and heres to hoping he finishes!

Blow on the male a little bit to get him moving, whether its onto the female or moving of the abdomen to begin mating, this technique works well for most mantises! (and sometimes the males get extremely thirsty, try giving him some water before introducing)

Best of luck,



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